projects for the next months

I should be busy at work, but I’m also scheduling the tours for the paddling season, starting (perhaps) already in march. What gives a lot to do is the first tour on the Lake Lugano for handicapped paddlers, which will be held in the beginning of may. The idea developed after I had participated to the workshop for handicapped paddlers in Munich last year. Some of the other participants were excited about the idea and I got some positive feedback. To make things work smoothly for all the participants with their different needs, there remains still a lot of things to be discussed and planned with Enrico…

And then other tours (for myself) on the Swiss lakes. And a bigger project : I’m thinking to participate to the SaU (Salzwasserunion) seakayak-week at Stralsund at the end of July. From Zürich to Stralsund: a long way to drive (1’200 km). But I was keen since quite a long time to get to know the famous Ostsee (the Baltic) – if nothing unexpected happens till july, maybe this year I’ll get thereFor the time being its only a project, which allows beautiful dreams


Note: Sund in German means „sound“, here the Basin „facing“ Denmark

2 Antworten to “projects for the next months”

  1. 1 Tatiana C. 18/02/2013 um 19:03

    Wow, very interesting projects!
    Please, let me know something more about Lake Lugano tour, mybe we can join you! Kisses from Italy. Tatiana

    • 2 esyned 18/02/2013 um 21:49

      Ciao Tatiana, ti scriverò una mail per darti i dettagli. E tu fammi sapere quando e come farai corsi avanzati sul Lago Maggiore, perchè vorrei assolutamente partecipare alsmeno una volta nel 2013, per conoscerci finalmente. Saluti da Zurigo

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