Posts Tagged 'documentary'

ROLLING – a documentary

Ausnahmsweise mal ein Beitrag, der gar nichts mit Kajaken zu tun hat – es geht um den Alltag von Rollstuhlfahrern. Der Dokumentarfilm zeigt viele Facetten dieses manchmal „cruelly unaccomodating“ Alltags, vermutlich besser als es Worte könnten.

Dr. Gretchen Berland gave video cameras to three Los Angeles residents in wheelchairs and asked them to film their daily lives. After nearly two years and 212 hours of tape – Galen Buckwalter, Ernie Wallengren and Vicki Elman did far more than accomplish Berland’s goal of providing care givers, policy makers and health care professionals insight into life on wheels for 1.6 million Americans. The resulting one-hour documentary provides frank and dignified self-portraits of three wildly divergent people using wit and humor to fight their way in a world that is often cruelly unaccommodating. „Even though the film started out as a way of understanding the experience of being in a wheelchair, in the end, it’s really about life,“ says Berland. „It’s not about feeling sorry for someone with a disability.“

Came across this 2007-documentary this morning, searching the web for other questions. It expresses much better than words can do, what it means to have a disability in everyday life. The documentary for once has nothing to do with kayaking, only with the „handicap“-part of my blog.

As in this blog I write primarily about positive experiences in my free time and I don’t write much about the odds I encounter (more than often), maybe this documentary can add a little to the overall picture …

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